Biblioteca Julio Castiñeiras. Sistema de Información Integrado - Facultad de Ingeniería UNLP
Facultad de Ingeniería | 115 esq.47 | Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8 a 19 hs.

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Información bibliografica (registro INGC-MON-09928)
Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations.  / Lefschetz, Solomon. ed.;  -- Princeton : Priceton University Press, 1950.
350 p.

En dos volúmenes;On systems of ordinary differential equations / Diliberto. S. P.;Oscillations of a third order nonlinear autonomous system / Rauch. L. L.;Nonlinear Difference-Differential Equations / Brownell. F. H.;Forced oscillations in nonlinear Systems / Cartwright. M. L.;Singular perturbations of a Van der Pol Equation/ Wendel. J. G.;The existence of forced periodic solutions of second order differential equations near certain equilibrium points of the unforced equation / Langenhop. C. E.;The construction of periodic solutions of singular perturbation problems / Wasow, Wolfgang
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