Biblioteca Julio Castiñeiras. Sistema de Información Integrado - Facultad de Ingeniería UNLP
Facultad de Ingeniería | 115 esq.47 | Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8 a 19 hs.

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Información bibliografica (registro INGC-MON-13253)
Environmental Geoscience: Interaction between natural systems and man  / Strahler, Arthur N.; Strahler, Alan H. -- USA : Hamilton, 1973.
511 p.; A-5; B-36; I-23

Atmosphere and oceans;The earth's radiation balance;Thermal environments of the earth's surface;Circulation systems in atmosphere and oceans;Atmospheric energy releases;Man's impact upon the atmosphere;Igneous processes and the earth's crust;Rock alteration and sediments;Tectonic processes and continental evolution;Man's consumption of planetary resources;Wasting of the continental surfaces;Subsurface water of the lands;Hydrology of streams and lakes;Fluvial processes and landforms;Waves, currents and coastal landforms;Wind action and dune landscapes;Glacier systems and the pleistocene epoch;Pathways of energy in the biosphere;Pathways of matter in the biosphere;Environmental perspectives;Dimensions, definitions and equivalents in the flow of energy and matter
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