Biblioteca Julio Castiñeiras. Sistema de Información Integrado - Facultad de Ingeniería UNLP
Facultad de Ingeniería | 115 esq.47 | Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8 a 19 hs.

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Información bibliografica (registro INGH-MON-000562)
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language :   / ;  -- Springfield, Massachusets, U.S.A. : G. &C. Merriam Company, Publishers, 1961.
56a 2663 p. :

Title on cover: Webster's third new international dictionary, unabridged. A Merriam-Webster. Reg. U.S. Pat. off. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of Meriam-Webster dictionaries.;Editor in chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph. D. and The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff.
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Biblioteca Histórica - Fondo Documental
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Biblioteca Histórica - Fondo Documental

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