Biblioteca Julio Castiñeiras. Sistema de Información Integrado - Facultad de Ingeniería UNLP
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Información bibliografica (registro INGM-MON-00245)
Holmes Principles of Physical Geology  / Holmes, Arthur.; . -- 3a. ed -- Nelson, 1978.
730 p.

1. Science and the world we live in;2. The dynamic earth;3. The changing continental surfaces;4. Materials of the earth´s crust: atoms and minerals;5. Igneous rocks: volcanic and plutonic;6. Sedimentary rocks;7. Pages of earth history;8. Metamorphic rocks and granization;9. Tectonic features: folds and faults;10. Structural features: salt domes and plugs;11. Structural features: igneous;12. Volcanoes and their products;13. Dating the pages of earth history;14. Rock weathering and soils;15. Underground waters;16. Life as a fuel maker: coal and oil;17. Surface erosion and landscape slopes;18. The work of rivers;19. Development of river systems and associated landscapes;20. Glaciers and glaciation;21. Ice ages and their problems;22. Wind action and desert landscapes;23. Coastal Scenery and the work of the sea;24. Marine sediments and the ocean floor;25. Earthquakes and the earth´s interior;26. The crust, mantle, moving lithosphere and core;27. Magnetism, palaeomagnetism and drifting continents;28. Reassembling the continents;29. Plate tectonics;30. Orogenic belts: the evolution of fold mountains;31. Some mechanism
ISBN 177712996;177612983
55 HOL
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