Biblioteca Julio Castiñeiras. Sistema de Información Integrado - Facultad de Ingeniería UNLP
Facultad de Ingeniería | 115 esq.47 | Horario: Lunes a Viernes 8 a 19 hs.

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Información bibliografica (registro INGM-MON-00381)
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Rock MechanicsSymposium on Rock Mechanics (5ã : 1962 may. : Minnesota)
University of Minnesota.
Editado por:
Año de publicación:
Lugar de publicación:
[Oxford] :
Descripción física:
xiii, 726 p.
624.12 FAI
Investigation of dynamic failure by high-speed photography; Tandanand. Sathit;Correlation of force-displacement data with physical properties of rock for percussive drilling systems; Reichmuth. D. R.;Dynamic rock penetration tests at atmospheric pressure; Vanzant. B. W.;Estimating drillability in the laboratory; Rollow. A. G.;Mechanical properties and drillability of rocks; Protodyakonov. M. M.;Drilling stresses on drag bit cutting edges; Appl. Frederic C.;Digital machine computations of the stress waves produced by striker impacts in percussion drilling machines; Simon. Ralph;Energy and size distribution aspects of single particle crushing; Bergstrom. B. H.;Electrical disintegrating drilling; Sarapuu. Erich;The secondary breaking effects of high-frequency electric energy applied to rock fragments; Young. Francis M.;Lunar drilling study; Baier. W. H.;Recent developments in drilling research at St. Joe; Bullock. R. L.;Rubber collar drill steel; Kennedy. Donald F.;New drill-steel equipment for long-hole drilling in mines; Dahlin. Curt;Feasibility of model studies in blasting research; Johnson. J. Burlin;Explosion crater prediction utilizing characteristic parameters; Saxe. Harry C.;Explosive performance as related to blasting; Sadwin. L. D.;Effect of decoupling on explosion-generated strain pulses in rock; Atchison. Thomas C.;Effect of charasteristic impedance on explosion-generated strain pulses in rock; Nicholls. Harry R.;Synthesis of shock Hugoniots for rock materials; Chabai. A. J.;Current state of knowledge on angle drilling in surface operations; Kochanowsky. B. J.;The Moose mountain drilling and blasting program; Weber. K. J.;Underground blasting in small holes with ammonium nitrate; Campbell. William C.;Development and application of ammonium nitrate-fuel oil blasting agents to underground mining; Cooley. Charles M.;Recent developments of slurry explosives underground; Bailey. D. T.;Detonation of ammonium nitrate in small drill holes; Maurer. William C.;Static-electricity hazards in the pneumatic loading of blasting agents; Prugh. Richard W.;Shear wave velocity measurements of sedimentary rock samples under compression; Gregory. A. R.;Some dynamic and static properties of rock; Sutherland. R. B.;The seismic location of rockbursts; Cook. N. G. W.;Dynamic investigation of foundation rock in situ; Onodera. Toru F.;Rock mechanics applied to the design of underground installations to resist ground shock from nuclear blasts; Coates. D. F.;A criterion for brittle fracture of rocks and concrete under triaxial stresses, and the effect of pore pressure on the criterion; Murrell. S. A. F.;Effects of pore fluids on the deformation behaviour of rock subject to triaxial compression; Boozer. G. D.
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